A Complete Guide on How to Charge a Tesla at Home

Keeping up with the rapid advancement in electric vehicle technology, learning how to charge your Tesla at home has never been more important. Fortunately, charging your Tesla at home is simple once you've figured out what setup works best for you.

Whether you're a current Tesla owner or considering a purchase, this comprehensive guide provided by Electrly will give you tips on the different charging options for Tesla vehicles at home and how to use them for the most convenient charging experience.

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Tesla Home Charging Options

Tesla offers several home charging options to make the transition to electric vehicles easier. These options include a mobile connector and a wall connector.

Mobile Connector

The Tesla Mobile Connector is standard on all new Tesla vehicles and has an adapter for a standard 120-volt outlet. While it can be slow on its own, it can be converted to a Level 2 charger by purchasing a Gen 2 NEMA 14-50 adapter for $35-$45.

When connected to a NEMA 14-50 outlet and operating as a Level 2 charger on a 50 amp breaker, it can provide up to 30 miles per hour of range, making it ideal for those who use their car primarily for short commutes and can charge overnight.

Wall Connector

The Tesla Wall Connector is recommended for Model S, Model X, Model 3 and Model Y vehicles and is a Level 2 charger that requires 240 volts of power. It is best used on a 60 or 40 amp breaker and can provide up to 44 miles per hour of range.

However, it is not standard on Tesla vehicles and costs about $550 plus the installation fee for the necessary power supply. By comparison, a mobile connector with a second-generation NEMA adapter can provide 30 miles of range for the Model 3 at less than half the cost.

Steps to Installing a Tesla Wall Connector at Home

To install the Tesla Wall Connector in your home, you first need to make sure that your home's electrical setup can support it. This includes having a bare or semi-exposed junction box with enough wall clearance to accommodate all the wiring and connections, as well as the proper amperage rating for the connected load.

It is recommended that a professional electrician install the wall connector for safety and efficiency, but it can also be accomplished by carefully connecting the power and ground wires using the proper hardware according to the electrical code.

Finally, slide the wall connector onto its mounting plate and secure it with security screws.

How to Charge a Tesla at Home

Charging your Tesla at home is convenient and can save you time. To charge your Tesla at home, you'll need the correct equipment for safe charging. There are two ways to charge a Tesla at home: with a wall connector or a mobile connector.

Mobile Connector Charging

For a mobile connector:

  1. Plug the mobile connector into the adapter, and plug the adapter into a wall outlet.
  2. Connect the charging cable to your Tesla's charging port.
  3. Leave the car the charge.
  4.  Unplug the mobile connector from the wall outlet in the morning.

Wall Connector Charging

Once you have the required hardware and wall connector mounted,

  1. Remove the handle from the wall connector and plug it into your Tesla's charging port.
  2. Leave the car the charge.
  3. Unplug the handle in the next morning.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for safe and proper charging. Also, make sure to optimize your charging settings to maximize your charging speed and efficiency.

How Long Does It Take to Charge a Tesla at Home?

The time it takes to charge a Tesla at home depends on the type of charger installed. A level 1 AC charger, which uses a standard 120V wall socket, is the slowest option and may take up to 40 hours for a full charge.

A level 2 AC charger or Tesla Wall Connector, using a 220-240V plug with 40-50 amps, is much faster and can fully charge your Tesla in 8-12 hours. Installing a level 2 charger can cut charging time in half and provide 240V outlets for daily charging.

It's important to note that charging time can increase significantly if power is shared with other devices or chargers in the home. With fast Tesla charging at home, drivers have more flexibility and less reliance on public charging stations when traveling long distances in their electric vehicles.

Cost to Charge a Tesla at Home

Yes, even if you're charging a Tesla at home, you do have to pay to charge it. The cost of charging a Tesla at home varies depending on several factors, including the local electricity rates, available charging outlets, and how long the car is plugged in.

As of January 2023, the average electricity rate in the US was $0.1609 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), which means it costs about $18.40 to fully charge a 100 kWh battery pack. The cost for charging lower kWh batteries is significantly lower per charge, but may require more frequent charging for longer distances or speeds.

It's essential for electric vehicle owners to research their local electricity rates and any associated charges to determine the cost of charging their Tesla at home or at public charging stations. Keep in mind that it's generally cheaper to charge at home than at public charging stations.

Is It Cheaper To Charge a Tesla at Home Than at a Supercharger Station?

In general, it's cheaper to charge your Tesla at home than at a Supercharger station, as the energy costs will be comparable to your overall electricity usage.

The rates for Tesla Supercharger stations vary based on location and operating hours, and in some cases, you may end up paying more for powering up your car than you would have by charging it at home. Supercharging requires higher voltage and current than a regular household outlet can provide, so you're paying for the convenience and faster charge time.

For instance, the Supercharger rate in your state might be $0.28 per kWh while residential rates are as low as $0.12 per kWh. This price difference can result in significant savings for those who frequently drive long distances with their Tesla.

However, if you're charging your battery for short trips or errands, visiting a Supercharger station may be worth the extra money for faster access to full power.

Researching local electricity tariffs and optimizing your electricity usage at home can help you save in the long run compared to using a public Supercharger station. Ultimately, both options are viable for powering your Tesla efficiently and affordably.

Can You Install a Tesla Supercharger at Home?

Tesla's Superchargers are a fast and convenient way for electric car owners to charge their vehicles, but it's not currently possible to install a Tesla Supercharger at home. Here's why:

Firstly, installing a Supercharger at home would require a high-voltage electrical service that many county codes do not permit. Even if your county allows it, upgrading an existing electrical service and installing a transformer can be prohibitively expensive.

Secondly, frequent use of a Supercharger can degrade the battery over time, and Tesla cars are often permanently restricted to slower charging speeds if they Supercharge too many times.

Thirdly, Superchargers are expensive and not officially sold by Tesla, which makes them difficult to purchase.

However, Tesla has recently announced plans to make home installations of their chargers available in the future. This will provide an easy, cost-effective solution for those who want their own Tesla charger without relying on public ones.

Why Level 2 EV Charger Is the Best for Home Charging?

Level 2 EV chargers are the best Tesla charging option for home use. They provide a full charge in approximately 5-6 hours, allowing owners to travel up to an hour from a single overnight charge.

Compared to Level 1 chargers, level 2 chargers are substantially faster, charging at around 25 miles per hour. They offer the convenience of charging from your own home while providing similar charging speeds to public chargers. Level 2 chargers are usually 3 to 10 times faster than level 1 chargers, ensuring your Tesla is ready to go when you are.

In addition to faster charging, level 2 chargers are 10% more energy-efficient than their predecessor, reducing domestic energy consumption and resulting in cheaper electric costs. They also help reduce pollution due to reduced carbon output.

The advanced technology of level 2 home Tesla chargers also brings added safety features, including built-in fire protection technology and an automatic shut-off system that minimizes potential danger. They are safe, reliable, and provide an economical alternative to the ever-increasing costs of petrol.


Can you charge a Tesla at home with a regular outlet?

Charging a Tesla with a regular outlet is possible, but it is not the most efficient way. Regular outlets supply less power than required to charge a Tesla so you will have a slower and more limited charging experience. It's recommended you install an electric vehicle charger in your home to take advantage of faster charging speeds.

How do I reduce the cost of charging a Tesla at home?

To reduce the cost of charging your Tesla at home, you can:

  • Charge during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower.
  • Choose a Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plan that offers lower rates during off-peak hours.
  • Install solar panels to generate renewable energy and reduce dependence on the electrical grid.
  • Use a level 2 charger, which is more energy-efficient than a Level 1 charger.
  • Monitor your energy usage and adjust your charging habits, such as charging to a lower percentage and avoiding frequent high-speed charging.

How long does it take to charge a Tesla with 220V?

Charging a Tesla with 220V typically takes between 6 and 12 hours, depending on the model of your vehicle. For example, a long-range Tesla can gain up to 180 miles of range after 8 hours of charging at 220V.

Why is my Tesla charging slowly at home?

There are several reasons your Tesla at home charger might be slow. It could be due to the outlet's amperage being too low, the cable not being plugged in properly, or the vehicle's built-in safety features that protect against overcharging.

To ensure maximum charging speeds, make sure your Tesla is plugged into a 220V/240V outlet with at least 40 amps of current available. Additionally, ensure that the cable is properly plugged in and that the vehicle's charging settings are optimized for fast charging.

If you continue to experience slow charging speeds, it may be worth consulting with a licensed electrician to ensure that your home charging setup is optimized for maximum charging speed.

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